20 January 2025

Canberra needs Summernats, and not for the money

| John Coleman
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Cars from Summernats 35 cruise along Northbourne Avenue. Photo: James Coleman.

It arrives like a clap of thunder on a warm January afternoon – the first crack of a modded engine out the front of a Canberra hotel. It fills Canberrans with the kind of dread the ancient monks must have felt when they peered out of their coastal monastery and saw a Viking longship on the azure bay.

What ensues over the weekend goes against everything Canberra wakes up and wants to be. Tyre smoke rises from a civilisation that aspired to environmental concern, unmolested street trees, quiet EVs, active travel and 8 pm bedtimes.

As the chariots of the barbarians roar around the Rainbow Roundabout, balconies above are barricaded. Inside, groodles whimper. It’s the end of days, for all four of them.

READ ALSO BMW once offered a ‘Canberra Beige’ interior colour inspired by our buildings. Why?

I forgot about Summernats once. I landed hopefully in Braddon for an evening of gin and politics. A yelping scooter almost collected me, mullet billowing like the mane of a brumby. All my bars were overrun. I scurried through the anarchy to Knighty’s – the Goulburn hooligans will never find this place, I thought – but like the safehouse in a zombie movie, it had been breached.

I fled.

But I got over it. And it’s probably time we all did. It’s at the point where the bitching about Summernats is the worst part of it all.

Commentary runs malevolently about how it should be banned, starting with the burnouts. “The government is all about reducing emissions and yet it permits this event” goes a common cant, as if the government has all events under its heel and this is an annual oversight by the Ministry of Fun.

Some argue it needs to move on to another city – one presumably more dependent on tourists than taxpayers.

KINGXA whips up a fairy floss plume at Summernats 37. Photo: Summernats.

Against this we have the apologists’ favourite retort, that Summernats is great at feathering the ACT economy as thousands of bogans demand beer and lodgings.

It’s true that Summernats is the only Canberra event the rest of the nation cares about. You would, if you were here in September, stop and smell the flowers, but no one comes from Queensland for 500 metres of tulips and a sloppy Magnum for the price of Ghana’s GDP.

Some insist that it’s not Summernats they hate … it’s the antisocial element. The event has in fact become more family-friendly. But let’s not fool ourselves.

Loud cars and burnouts will always be antisocial. This isn’t the Goodwood Festival of Speed on the Duke of Richmond’s estate. No one is here to talk with erudition about Art Deco Alfa Romeos.

This is not mere car-love; this is a festival of crass power. And Canberra loves every type of power except that one. Summernats will always be a middle finger up, and particularly so to Canberra.

READ ALSO ‘Burnouts in our DNA’: Booming Summernats may face EPIC decision as housing closes in

Yet Canberra needs Summernats, in the same way Parliament needs Lydia Thorpe and Bob Katter. It’s a prick to the Canberra Bubble. An ear-splitting cannonball through the ivory tower. A particularly acidic litmus test of our tolerance.

We talk more than the rest of the nation about diversity and inclusivity … but can we show it to the rest of the nation when it rocks up here like it owns the place? When it takes our couch in Knighty’s?

Can we swallow our arrogance, our intimate knowledge of noise regulations and Cressida Campbell, our love of all that is green and pleasant … and fan that smouldering childlike curiosity for something rude and unfamiliar? Maybe manage a soft “I bloody hate that sound … but what a dashing colour” from our Turner balcony when a VY SS farts by?

Before we go inside and slam the slider shut.

Summernats, like everything important that lands in Canberra, doesn’t actually give a damn about the place. We can return the apathy – just nothing worse.

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Also….this article is very well typed and highly amusing. Makes a valid point.

Ergh! I hate Summernats! It should be called Boganats. BUT Canberra needs it. Why? Because just as there’s heaps of Bogans that like cars there’s also genuine car enthusiast who aren’t Bogans. Also, Canberra needs all the excitement it can get!!

It’s the increase in morons driving dangerously on Canberra roads over the period summernats takes place that the issue. Our roads are not skid pans for burnouts by fools putting other drivers in danger, and we don’t want to listen to the cars and bikes with non complying exhausts racing at all hours of the day and night.

That may depend on where you live.
When I lived in Woden Summernats was the one weekend a year without what sounded like drag racing up Melrose Drive. Now I’m in Belco it appears to make no difference at all, the two or three twonks who seem to have amplifiers instead of mufflers do much the same whether Summernats is on or not.

I’m guessing in parts of the inner north, and perhaps Gungahlin, Summernats might make things worse than normal.

Dates are already locked in for next year.

Brace yourselves, pearl clutchers. 🤣

Daniel Halligan8:07 am 20 Jan 25

I have lived in canberra my whole life now being 41 years of age and i say canberra has got to be one of tbe most borring places on earth when it comes to attractions and events. Summernats once a year actually gives people something to look forward to ive been attending since I was a kid and now i attend/enter with my kids we have nothing else that compares to this even throughout the year there we have to travel to actually see any sort of decent entertainment. Id like to see more events like this in canberra might lighten the place up a little bit 👍

Heywood Smith9:12 am 20 Jan 25

And yet here you are… You know you can pack up and leave? I

HiddenDragon10:16 pm 19 Jan 25

“Can we swallow our arrogance, our intimate knowledge of noise regulations and Cressida Campbell….”

An eX de Medici homage on the bonnet of an XU-1 might do the trick, but while we’re waiting for that, this is a timely piece – with much of the Canberra press gallery very obviously limbering up to spend the next four years sneering, sulking and pouting at Trump and the people who put him back in power and, of course, their Australian counterparts.

Julian Gillian7:54 pm 19 Jan 25

Canberra has become a nation of stuck up bureacratic whiners.
The businesses that thrive off this 4 day period are the ones paying your overpriced wages.
Without private small businesses, Canberra would be broke.
We have no tourist attractions other than a few boutique shops , war memorial or arts that once people have visited, will never come back.
Some small businesses thrive from the 2 weeks of population growth around Summernats. Other mechanical businesses are making money modifying vehicles all year round for those who love motorsport and car shows.
Most drivers of these vehicles have spent more than a house on modifying their cars, they are not the ones driving like maniacs because they respect their cars and the cost of it.
Over the past 2 decades under our woke weak Labor government, almost everything that people get enjoyment from in Canberra has been banned. It is hurting the real taxpayer’s of Canberra, due to all the woke decisions of our government. No gas, no new petrol or diesel cars, no drag strip so on.
But quite happy to waste money on a rainbow round about or 2 figures on a few street crossings.
All the while all the small businesses that have closed due to these overpaid bureaucrats decisions have killed our economy.
So before trying to silence or cancel the last true tourist attraction in Canberra, think about the long term consequences of your actions. As otherwise, your government ridiculous salaries will have to be stopped if there are no more private companies paying the taxes to support them.
As let’s face it, not one government employee actually pays taxes, you are just giving back money to the government that it paid you from private sector taxes.

@Julian Gillian
Wow – quite the hysterical rant. Why do you stay in Canberra then?

@JustSaying, “hysterical rant” your typical response to someone you don’t agree with. Little bit of gaslighting there hey.

“not one government employee actually pays taxes” sounds a bit hysterical to me – but obviously you disagree, as is your right.

Maybe it would be more palatable if it was more like Top Gear and less like Blokesworld.

The Summernats is what it is but is nothing like what its original conception was originally 37 years ago, the vision of the late, great Chic Henry was a festival of US & Aussie Muscle Cars & Hot Rods including heads up drag racing when the ACT had a drag strip to use, “another disgraceful consecutive ACT government outcome”.
But Canberra had a very strong motorsport activity calendar back twenty five years ago that I doubt many in this Dullandboringville freaky people shithole would remember.
1: Fraser Park “Tralee / Pepsi Powerdome” speedway, an absolute mecca, a jewel in the crown of open A grade East Coast speedway closed due to bad judgement & personal ignorance.
2: NATCAP Pialligo now the ACT Speedway & doing well under club control but events minimal due to the ACT Government folly.
3: Canberra International Dragway originally built with private funding & construction & successfully managed to an international level until the Carnell/Smyth Liberal duo sought to interfere at release time taking the CID management to court to pull the location for their top end of town friends/mates for the at the time rumored VFT into Canberra & or a new airport parcel hub, needless to say CID is now an overgrown waste of RAAF land, needless to say following all that time Mr Stanhope gave a rolled gold guarantee CID would be established & running within eighteen months, “LIES”.
A new political interest party was formed, the Australian Motorists Party who put the shits up Labor & as good as they went consecutive governments did ALL they could to drive it out of site.
A plan known as NADEC Site51 Majura was developed for a Motorsport/Business House/Accommodation venue for the area which was Directly under a Flight Path but was howled down amongst a bevy of bullshit & lies from a local area mob of ratbags “DRAGWAYAWAY” including “Mt Ainslie” would collapse & contrary to their statements none had the gonads to support.
Other ACT Motorsport activities/venues still operating as best they can or gone include
4: Sutton RD Hillclimb circuit, running & an entertaining day out.
5: Canberra International ‘level’ Karting Club & running successfully.
6; ACT Motorcycle Club, Moto X & Dirt Track & running successfully.
7: Lakeside Burley Griffen sprints. Gone.
8: Fyshwick to Woden targa for all period, style racing cars. Gone.
9: Northbourne Ave speed trials. Well Gone
10: MacAurther motorcycle Races. Well Gone.
11: Rally X section at EPIC for ACT Forrest Rally. Gone.
12: Australian International motorcycle Long Track at EPIC. Gone.
13: Mt Ginn short circuit. Well Gone.

Julian Gillian7:35 pm 19 Jan 25

Well said

Oh silly me, I failed to mention the V8 Supercars that are thriving in all other states & territory, thanks for that Ted Quinlan & your TWO, YES 2 Greenie lady pals.

I get really annoyed when Canberra residents complain about Summernats. It is 4-5 days of loud cars which brings in a huge amount of money into this City, not sure our flower show can compare! How about the Canberra residents who spend their whole January down the south coast and absolutely treat the place like s#!$. Why do we allow that and not complain?
Time to put our big pants on and stop whining. Maybe the whiners should buy a ticket, walk the Top 60 hall and enjoy the hundreds and thousands of dollars car enthusiasts have spent on their amazing cars!

FJAD – it is not about the noise. It is about women living in Watson not being able go out without being yelled at to show their breasts. I lived in Watson for a while and I literally had someone defecate in my front yard. My elderly neighbour (in her 70s) was sexually harassed at the shops and felt humiliated when they mocked her when she started crying. Another neighbour heard a dude making sexually provocative comments to his primary school aged girls in their own front yard. This is not normal behaviour. Would you put up with the women in your life being treated this way?

The cars are to be admired, but I doubt its those car owners who are causing the problems.

None of that ever happened. Just stop. It’s ridiculous.

@Ken M
That’s a new level of ludicrous, even for you.

Do you have proof to substantiate your claim that megsy is lying? Maybe you were a witness to the events to which she refers and can offer your side of the story?

I have as much proof to substantiate my claim as megsy does.

Imagine my shock that you would show up in support of third hand stories from hand wringers though. 🤣

@Ken M
Yeah – just as you like to say, you have your ‘trust me bro’ proof.

I’ll take the word of a hand wringer, every day of the week, over a sov cit.

And apparently “trust me bro” is enough for you when it suits your argument…

As I have said many times JS, if it wasn’t for double standards, you’d have no standards at all.

Ken M
Nope – when presented with facts by others you label it ‘trust me bro’ when you’ve got nothing to counter it … just as you have in this case. You call megsy a liar but have no evidence to disprove what she has reported. So put up or … you know the rest.

Why is what I witnessed in my own yard a third hand story? As far as the incident with the primary school age girls, there was a complaint made to the police. The incident with the elderly lady wasn’t reported to the police, but there were other witnesses. Just because it doesn’t fit into the world according to Ken, doesn’t make it wrong.

You’re so full of it that it’s coming out your ears, JS.

I hope you will remember your position here in future, but we both know you will display your usual hypocrisy when other people give personal accounts that you don’t agree with. Don’t worry though, I’ll remind you and link to your comments here. 🤣

@Ken M
While I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in anything on which you provide a personal account, I have absolutely no problem with you airing it. It’s your ‘trust me bro’ fabrication of “facts”, which does not have any supporting evidence or basis in truth, with which I have a problem – and for which I, and others on here, have called you out, and will continue to do so. 😱😱😱

Spin it however you like, JS, buy your wilful hypocrisy is now on display for all to see. It’s hilarious watching you jam vith feet in your mouth.

Stephen Saunders2:54 pm 19 Jan 25

There is some truth in this. Much of Canberra employment is devoted to the “symbolic” professions, who think they know best, and once a year, different and disrespectful kinds of people come in, who don’t care what Canberrans think.

But I would also add, more should be done, to control dangerous and illegal stunts all over town, the authorities are a bit lax.

Stephen a fair amount of those “””different and disrespectful kinds””” are Canberrans.

ChrisinTurner1:55 pm 19 Jan 25

I usually plan to be away from Canberra during Summernats however the period when the enthusiasts are permitted by Police to operate their vehicles without mufflers is getting longer each year.

They aren’t. And if those cars were a decibel over the regulated maximum while driving on the road, they would be defected, especially during summernats.

Well they successfully killed the GMC 400. The financial benefits were good, and there was little available accommodation withing 100 kilometres .

It’s not that simple as Canberrans need to see the bogan brigade. I’ve had interstate visitors at the time of summernats and they were shocked at some of the bone-headed behaviour – including the comment that it wouldn’t be tolerated in other parts of Australia. The majority of summernats visitors are good people and will always be welcome. The problem is the small proportion who come here to play-up; knowing they will get away with it because Canberrans aren’t allow to complain.

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