A rather concerning pattern of blinker usage has cropped up over the past six months and is becoming more and more common.
People are using there right blinker on round-a-bouts when going straight. Now sometimes it can be an honest mistake when people in the right lane decide they don’t want to go right and instead go straight. However more and more people are putting their right blinker on even in the left land causing confusion and a couple of near misses I have witnessed. Even the ACTION drivers are now doing this, going straight in the left lane but indicating right as they come off.
So I want to make it clear to Canberra drivers, that if you are going straight at a round-a-bout, as per the Jan 07 revision of the ACT Road Rules Guide, no blinker is mandatory. You may choose to indicate left as you exit the round-a-bout but you should not indicate right unless you are off the round-a-bout and merging.