The crew at Make Hack Void have put out an open invite to you to release your inner geek and come to a barby on Sunday to celebrate the great result of the Canberra UAV team’s great result in the UAV Outback Challenge.
This Sunday, we are holding a BBQ at the Make, Hack, Void workshop in Downer to celebrate and and hear in detail Canberra UAV’s experiences at the UAV Outback Challenge.
We will be starting at midday, but if you want to bring along something special (food, projects, inebriative liquids, etc) that may take a while to prepare, you are welcome to come earlier.
Make, Hack, Void will be providing some meats, salads, soft drinks, etc, but if you have something special you would like to bring along and share (especially if you made/grew/slaughtered it yourself), you are welcomed and encouraged.
We request a $5 donation to help us cover costs.
If you have projects (completed or in progress), robots or radio control toys/devices of any kind, please bring them along for show and tell/racing/etc.
Throughout the day, we will have a number of talks from Canberra UAV:
- Overview of the Outback Challenge & Canberra UAV
- Recap of the events at Kingaroy
- Bottle drop failure analysis
- Image detection and processing
- Feeding and taking care of the Mugin (the main Canberra UAV airframe)
- The fate of test aircraft
- The way forward (and an opportunity to join the Canberra UAV team for the next challenge)
As well Canberra UAV content, we will also have our normal show-and-tell style talks throughout the day.
Finally, we will be having a novice UAV airframe design session, where we will come up with a cheap multirotor design that can be fabricated at MHV in order to use to run UAV workshops.
If you plan on attending, and have not yot responded by other means (our mailing list or Facebook event), please sign up below to help us cater.
CSIRO had a good podcast this week describing the result.