Yesterday we noted fear and alarm about threats of violence on the bike paths of the inner north.
The article was notable for not being able to turn up anyone at all who had actually suffered violence.
That has not stopped a predictable panic from Bill Stefaniak who never saw an issue he couldn’t over-react to (with the possible exception of his own mobile phone in the car faux pas, no cries of “string him up” there, or the matter of his Shadow Minister Steve Pratt destroying public artworks for that matter).
The vicious assaults on cyclists on the inner northern bike tracks from the ANU, through Turner to Lyneham and Dickson need to be nipped in the bud before someone is seriously hurt, Opposition Leader, Bill Stefaniak said today.
‘One of the best ways of doing this would be if police had their own pushbikes to patrol the paths.
Can we please keep the two debates separate?
At the moment we have one guy who had a run in with kids and a whole bunch of flighty Inner North academic types (god bless their mohair socks) taking fright.