The Liberals’ Brendan Smyth is stamping his feet and releasing quite alarming clinical notices on the ACT’s new defibrillators not playing the way they’re supposed to:
The Canberra Liberals are calling for answers from Simon Corbell after at least two Clinical Safety Notices, and one Clinical Safety Alert were issued following problems with lifesaving defibrillators rolled out by the ACT Ambulance Service, Shadow Minister for Emergency Services Brendan Smyth said today.
“I’ve been told that in at least one instance, a crew had to return to base because batteries failed before attending to a patients’ chest pain,” Mr Smyth said.
“The Canberra Liberals have also been told of transmission problems and faulty blood pressure readings taken by the new MRx Monitors which were rolled out to all ACTAS emergency vehicles from the end of May 2013.
“I want Simon Corbell to urgently answer these questions in relation to the lifesaving units. Firstly, why has ACTAS been forced to issue Clinical Safety Notices and an Alert? Secondly, what is the Minister doing about them? Thirdly, will the Minister guarantee there won’t be any further transmission failures or inaccurate blood pressure readings?
“Finally, have there been any adverse patient outcomes resulting from MRx Monitor problems?
“Simon Corbell can’t dismiss these safety notices and safety alerts as teething problems with new equipment. When dealing with vulnerable patients often in near death situations, all equipment has to be in optimal working order from the start.
“Why were the original LP12 monitors, which served the ACT community well, replaced by these MRx Monitors?