As a firework fuelled orgy of destruction sweeps over the city and the corpses of dead dogs pile up amongst the broken glass of firework enabled crime sprees it’s important to keep our heads.
In my experience the Chief Minister never panics, he just gets angry, and he’s warning you all that it’s a long weekend this morning which means double-demerit points.
- Traffic infringements such as speeding or failing to wear a seatbelt will attract double demerit points.
The increased penalties will apply from Friday 5 June to Monday 8 June inclusive.
“More people will be on the roads this weekend which means the risk of roads crashes is higher,” Mr Stanhope said. “I urge all drivers to adjust their speed to suit the driving conditions and to not drink and drive.”
Drivers who don’t wear a seatbelt or permit passengers under 16 years of age to travel in a vehicle unrestrained risk attracting six demerit points this long weekend.
Drivers who exceed the speed limit by more than 45km/h risk attracting12 demerit points and licence suspension.
Drivers who exceed the speed limit by 31km/h to 45km/h will attract eight demerit points, while driving 16km/h to 30 km/h above the speed limit can attract six demerit points.
Drivers who commit other offences such as running red lights or failing to stop at stop signs will attract one extra demerit point on top of the usual number applied.