The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling at the University of Canberra has broken down the impact of the carbon tax by state, and discovered that the ACT will be paying above the national average. This will be due to our higher incomes and the production of more emissive energy in the ACT.
Results show on average households will be paying less than the Treasury forecasts.
But researcher Ben Phillips says ACT residents will be paying more.
“We said the national average is around $8.80 for the ACT, it’s a little higher around about $11.70 per week,” he said.
The average household will receive $10.10 a week in government assistance, so it seems ACT residents might be out of pocket a little.
The ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja has responded to the news by accusing Labor of instituting “massive cost of living pressures across the board”:
“This yearly $540 hit for the carbon tax is unsustainable for many families, who are already facing massive cost of living pressures across the board.[…] Canberrans will also be undercompensated. One in five Canberra families will receive no compensation, and three in five Canberra families will be out of pocket.”
UPDATE 25/7/12 10:40 AM
Senator Gary Humphries has responded with an attack at Labor:
“Labor’s ‘promise’ that only 294 of the biggest polluters will pay more as a result of the carbon tax is complete garbage. The facts are that costs will be passed on to householders and business owners and the biggest hurt will be felt here in the ACT.
“Labor can’t be trusted to keep the cost of living down, they can’t be trusted to make Australians’ lives any easier and they can’t be trusted to keep their promises”, Senator Humphries concluded.
Apparently, the average Canberra household will be paying almost 80% more than the average South Australian household, though no figures have been supplied to support this yet.