An artists impression of the proposed Giralang shops development from the DA.
The Giralang shops may finally be reborn with a new $19 million proposal lodged for a four-storey plus loft, mixed-use development that includes a supermarket, other ground floor retail and 50 apartments.
The development application from AMC Architecture for developer Dimitri Nikias also seeks to allow residential development and community uses including a childcare centre, community activity centre, community theatre, cultural facility, educational establishment, place of worship and religious associated use.
It also seeking to almost double the present permissable floor space from 5,790 square metres to 11,000 square metres.
The supermarket would be 1000 square metres, with other retail amounting to 1275 square metres.

A street view of the development from the north.
Also included are new driveway entry points off Canopus Crescent, new off-site and on-street car parking to Menkar Close and a reconfigured car park, a new drop-off arrangement, new waste enclosure, bicycle enclosure and associated landscape to existing Giralang Primary School.
The application seeks re-approval of an already constructed basement, under-croft and podium works associated with a previously approved DA, and a new mezzanine parking level.
It proposes 189 parking spaces, including 48 for the supermarket, 116 basement spaces and 25 off-site spaces.

An artist’s impression of one of the proposed loft apartments.
Labor Member for Yerabi Suzanne Orr welcomed the application, saying it was significant milestone for the project and brings the realisation of shops for the Giralang community one step closer.
“The developer undertook an extensive consultation process as required under the ACT Government’s new Pre DA Community Consultation Guidelines, and I am pleased to see the community’s views have been incorporated into the development application,” she said.
Ms Orr said new off-site and on-street parking to Menkar Close would benefit people who would use the shops and the Giralang Community Park.
“I am also looking forward to the developer securing a supermarket tenant as part of the development process so the community has access to a quality supermarket within the suburb,” she said.
The development application can be viewed here. The period for submissions closes on 18 May 2018.