The Greens’ Amanda Bresnan has some quibbles following this morning’s announcement of a primary health care strategy.
“While the key principles and the intent behind the document is very good, the actions behind this intent are vague. I appreciate this is a consultation document, but the Government needs to outline how we are going to have a healthier population and target more preventative health measures towards vulnerable people.
For example, if we want to get better outcomes on mental health and drug and alcohol, especially in the field of early intervention, it would make sense to join these two units two areas. And if we want to focus on disease prevention, programs around health eating such as community gardens, should have a greater focus.
Dental services should also be targeted. The ACT General Health Survey found that 44% of ACT residents said that there were barriers to accessing dentists, yet the Strategy doesn’t mention this crucial area which affects so many other aspects of a person’s health.
The Greens have been calling for a ‘wellness’ approach for health care – that is about helping people while they are well and not waiting until they get sick.
I guess we’ll have to see what comes out of the consultation process.