Joy Burch has released her Ministerial Statement on what we can expect from the National Disability Insurance Scheme later in the year:
From July 2013, the ACT and Federal governments will invest $10.6 million dollars to respond to the demand for disability and mental health services that we know exists today, and from July 2014 eligible ACT residents will begin to transfer to the NDIS. The Commonwealth has committed a further $12 million for the ACT in sector preparation and workforce development.
“Also, from July our enhanced service offer in the ACT will enable eligible people to have access to additional funding which will improve their quality of life and independence, while also providing a break for their families and carers.”
The types of supports and services to which people may have access will include aids and equipment, modifications which may increase their independence or reduce their need for support from paid or unpaid carers, access to day-time activities to enhance community inclusion, and respite services.