The Register have had the brilliant idea of figuring out their cost to the global economy and then asking for the money to go away.
Which got me wondering how much this website costs the ACT’s employers every year.
So here’s how it works.
In the last 12 months we had 722,502 visits.
We estimate that 80% of those were from Canberra, or 578,001.6
Of those our analysis suggests 60% were in work hours, leaving 346,801.
We also know that the average time on the site per visit is 4.5 minutes so that’s a total wasted work time of 1,560,604 minutes. That’s 27,510 hours.
Conservatively pricing your time at $25/hour we get a grand total of $687,751 this website is costing the ACT economy each year.
Being generous souls we’re happy to knock that down to $500,000 and be done with it.
So with one easy payment of $500,000 to fund our alcoholism, the ACT would save itself the best part of $100,000 in the first year alone with savings, savings, savings, to be had in the out years.
You know it makes sense.