The annual kangaroo cull begins in Canberra on Wednesday night. Shooter’s have been set a target of 1606, an increase of 450 over last year, according to The Canberra Times.
This year’s cull will include a fertility control on 500 kangaroos.
Eight reserves will be closed from Wednesday night – Callum Brae off Mugga Lane, Goorooyarroo and adjacent land in Gungahlin, Jerrabomberra Grassland West, Kama near Hawker, Mount Painter near Cook, Mulanggari in Gungahlin, Mulligans Flat in Gungahlin, and the Pinnacle and adjacent land near Hawker.
Mount Painter and the Pinnacle will close 5pm to 7pm and the others 3pm to 7am.
The fertility control program is partly being spurred by a cost saving at ‘only’ $200 per kangaroo, compared with $340 per kangaroo for shooting (the cost from last year’s cull).
Yes, that says $340 – per kangaroo…