With the Liberals seeing their road to victory being through Tuggeranong today we get a promise to upgrade Gowrie Oval:
ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Minister for Sport Steve Doszpot announced today that if elected, a Canberra Liberals Government will provide $350,000 to upgrade Gowrie oval. Mr Seselja said this is part of the Canberra Liberals’ $3.5 million commitment to improve Canberra’s community sports facilities.
“Gowrie oval has been badly neglected by the ACT Labor Government and is in desperate need of upgrades before it becomes unusable,” Mr Seselja said.
“That’s why if elected, the Canberra Liberals will commit $350,000 towards getting the oval back on track. We would consult with the sporting clubs which use the oval on the improvements, which could include club house and seating upgrades.
“This is on top of the Canberra Liberals’ commitment to halve ground training and match fees for junior sports,” Mr Seselja concluded.
The Liberals have also provided a current photo of Gowrie oval and an artist impression of the proposed improvements which we’ve collaged.