The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) will send a second task force of ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) members to Queensland tomorrow (Tuesday) to help with the flood emergency.
The 21 person deployment (20 volunteers and one staff member) will replace ACTSES taskforce one and will fly out of Canberra for Brisbane tomorrow morning at 9.35am where they will be tasked to assist with the flood response operations in the state’s capital and/or regional areas. ACTSES taskforce two will return to the ACT on Saturday afternoon.
A further three ESA MAPS volunteers will also head to Brisbane tomorrow to replace the current group working with Red Cross QLD. This will take the total number of ESA MAPS volunteers deployed to QLD to 21 since 29 December.
The two specialist urban search and rescue firefighters from the ACT Fire Brigade will return from QLD tomorrow. At this stage no other request has been received by ESA for ongoing personnel with urban search and rescue deployments.
7:30pm Monday 17 January 2011
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