While out on my early evening perambulation with my dogs on the Northside the other evening, I noticed that a number of the street lights had been changed from the usual dull orange, to a sharp and bright white light. Ok, no problem with that. A few evenings later I noticed that whole streets had been changed over to these.
Now my street has been converted to these “Auschwitz spotlights”.
It’s not a case of replacing bulbs when they blow, but of replacing whole street sections. Which must be an expense. The new lights are bright and sharp, too bright for my tastes. They also cover a wide arc, which is fine for walking, but not so good if they come in through your bedroom window, and like me, you need pitch black to sleep.
Anyone have a clue as to the rationale and rhyme and reason for these new lights?
Are they “an experiment”, “more green,” “less expensive in the long run,” “mandated”, “just done to annoy Pommy”?
The lights shine clear through the sodium haze
The night draws near and the daylight fades
But there’s a voice in the distance quiet and clear
Saying something that I never ever wanted to hear