On Tuesday 20/05/14 while I was driving I came across a cat that was hit by a coward driver who left him there to die. When I saw the cat laying, I quickly pulled up and carried it to the side of the road so other cars don’t run over it. I could see the cat was in so much pain, it was shivering, its jaws were smashed and it was bleeding from the head. That poor cat. As I held up the traffic behind me to carry it to the side of the road and look for the emergency vet number a lady offered to transport it to the nearest vet. I am very grateful to her for doing so. I carried the cat to her car and she left off. I couldn’t follow her as I had to move my car thereafter to clear the traffic.
I don’t know if the cat survived or the vet had to put it down. This situation made me think of who actually pays for the vet bills for any treatments or to put it down?