Katy Gallagher has announced the legislation today of a Local Hospital Network (LHN) for the ACT:
The ACT’s Local Hospital Network will –
— Consist of The Canberra Hospital (TCH); Calvary Public Hospital; Queen Elizabeth II Family Centre; and Clare Holland House;
— Call for appointments from a range of members (to a maximum of ten members) with an appropriate mix of skills and expertise including the following:
— clinical expertise as well as a medical practitioner with at least five years clinical experience;
— health management;
— primary healthcare organisation experience or knowledge;
— academic, teaching and research;
— financial management, commerce and industry experience;
— public consultation experience; and
— carer/consumer experience.— Provide quarterly reports to the Minister for Health, and provide an annual report to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly, which must include details around consultation undertaken by the LHN with the community about any issues affecting the satisfactory delivery of health services and the overall performance of the ACT LHN.
This is a part of signing up to the federal “reforms” to the health system. Handy for the ACT that ACT health was already pretty much a local hospital network.