Chief Minister Gallagher has proudly announced the opening of a 220 student residence where the Cameronn Offices used to be:
Development of the property was made possible by support of both the ACT and Commonwealth Governments through the National Rental Affordability Scheme. Features include modern common areas and a complimentary shuttle bus service that connects residents to the campus centre.
The Chief Minister highlighted the importance of projects such as the provision of new student accommodation for enhancing the role of education in the Canberra, which is already one of the ACT’s most socially and economically important sectors.
“The addition of 220 new beds for students studying at the University of Canberra not only strengthens the position of the education sector as our second largest export, but will also benefit other Canberrans in the rental market by freeing up other rental properties.”.
“It will deliver a significant injection of rental properties for students which are leased at a discounted rent of at least 20 percent below market rates.
“We are really pleased to support this development as part of a larger plan by UC to build 1,000 new dwellings for student in Belconnen over the next four years,” the Chief Minister said.
Nice enough, although a student residence with “Weed” in the name seems to be inviting certain cliches.
But where are the teepees?
UPDATE 29/02/12 09:13: We’ve had this in via email:
On the posting for Weedon Lodge, can you please correct the name to Weeden Lodge. The facility is named after the prominant local Weeden family.
Bit of a whoopsy from the Chief Minister!