Canberra overall, is a lovely place… with its sparkling clean roads, and thick gravy like lake that reminds me of roast dinners; however, sometimes I get a bit frustrated with it.
I work a great job, which I enjoy, and is mentally stimulating, but the pay (as one could argue for most government jobs), is not spectacular, a million dollar income was not something I expected with the government though.
For the past 7 or so months, I have been on the lookout for a second job, a job to help me pay off my credit card, help me save to get into a place of my own, and a bit of money to have a bit of fun with.
… This has not been easy…
I don’t know if its the vibe of desperation I’m putting out, the fact that I am indeed aged at the upper end of the 20’s, or that I just don’t know who is hiring (if it is indeed ‘who you know’ and not ‘what you know’); but I have had no luck finding a second job.
The knock-backs have been ‘you are too overqualified’, ‘we are looking for junior staff’ or the most frustrating no response at all.
Although I know this thread might get a couple of charmingly witty – yet unhelpful responders, I throw myself myself out on the mercy of respondents!
PM me if you have a job, ANY JOB, and I will get back to you, I will work hard, and I will be proactive, I would love something early morning, or evenings, washing dishes, on a phone, or preparing food. As I am a public servant, I can be extremely flexible with my hours, the only blackout being 0930 – 1530 weekdays. Resume can be sent on request 🙂
Happy to work long hours all weekend.
I have 5 years government experience (of course), but have many more years experience in retail and hospitality.. although its been some years since I’ve made a coffee.
Tips and advice for how I can better advertise myself to the Canberra part time/casual market are also extremely appreciated.