The standing committee on Planning and Environment has identified the availability of free parking “perks” as a disincentive to use the unprofitable ACTION network, according to this story today.
“Free parking on Commonwealth Government-occupied premises is a disincentive to the use of public transport and impacts negatively on the ACT’s ability to raise revenue from public transport,” the report said.
Both workers and visitors to Federal Buildings would be targeted. Areas identified for gouging include the Russell Precinct, Parliament House and departments within Barton and the Parliamentary Triangle. How the local government plans to enforce this on Commonwealth land is beyond me.
How about looking at why the ACTION services are unpopular, rather than using punitive measures to encourage uptake. A price rise, also suggested by the committee, is not likely to encourage usage either.
Of course, if the MLA’s are serious about this, then they should be foregoing their free parking privileges at the London Circuit Soviet. Not likely.
UPDATED: Apparently the Feds agree, so it looks like pay parking is inevitable.