Last night saw the “Red Moon” lunar eclipse, and we’ve had a couple of stories and images submitted to RiotACT.
From asp:
As promised, here are the photos of last night’s Lunar Eclipse, taken from the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin.
Aside from sharpening and minor contrast adjustments in Lightroom, they have not been edited, colored or otherwise changed in anyway. What you see is the result of a good camera, L series lenses and the use of 16bit imaging to provide wider colour depth. Images were taken with a Canon EOS 350D with Canon EF100-400mm zoom telephoto and on occasion, a 1.5x extender.
The vibrant Red Moon over Canberra (Photo: A.Spence)
The moon towards the end of the eclipse (A.Spence)
The moon after the eclipse (A.Spence)
An enjoyable astronomical show. Though someone forgot to email the moon the schedule. The widely reported end time of between 9:15 and 9:13 turned out to be more like 10:15 for the moon to fully return to normal.
Photographer’s Notes: After much experimentation, I managed to take a few very good ones and many that were acceptable. The digital camera really came through, though I was disappointed to not be able to make use of the Fuji Velvia I had imported from the US. Lens is a wildlife lens with great focal range, though not a large aperture. Gitzo 3530 tripod and Arca Swiss Double Pan head worked a treat. Still performed well. Will now relax with coffee after spending 5 continuous hours on feet.
Images copyright AS Photography. A locally owned nature photography and publishing business.
From oddball508:
For those that didn’t wish to venture out or just couldn’t get to see it here is a collections of images from Tuesdays spectacular lunar eclipse.
I have some more images of the eclipse taken while out near Tidbinbilla Tracking Station.