Chief Minister Gallagher is sounding the trumpets on the ACT’s mental health performance:
A report released today comparing mental health services in Australia shows that the ACT is performing well across a range of service categories including the lowest rate of seclusion events and the highest rates of community mental health contacts, Chief Minister and Minister for Health, Katy Gallagher said today.
“The ACT Government has invested significantly into boosting mental health services in Canberra and this report shows that our investment is making a real difference in the services available to those suffering from mental illnesses,” the Chief Minister said.
“The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Mental health Services, In Brief report is a useful snapshot of how the ACT is performing when compared with other jurisdictions and I am pleased to see that the ACT is performing above the national average in a wide range of service delivery categories.”
The report shows that in 2011-12 the ACT:
— had the lowest rate of mental health related prescriptions per 1000 population. The ACT rate was 731.4 while the national average was 982.3;
— had the lowest seclusion events per 1000 bed days in public acute hospitals. The ACT average was 1.3 events per 1000 bed days compared to the national average of 10.6;
— had the highest rate of service contacts in the field of community mental health care services. The ACT rate of 659.9 was twice the national average of 326.8 contacts in 2010-11;
— had the highest rate of people (198) per 100,000 population with a mental health issue who had received accommodation services from a specialist homelessness service; and
— The ACT had the second highest rate of psychiatrists at 14.8 per 100,000 population.