ActewAGL are warning of scammers pretending to be working for them:
ActewAGL General Manager Network Services Rob Atkin said, “ActewAGL has recently received reports of people claiming to be ActewAGL employees entering residents’ land.
“Under the Utilities Act ActewAGL staff must always attempt to identify themselves to a resident before entering their land. ActewAGL employees are required to knock on the door of the property in an effort to identify themselves to someone at the premises. This involves showing their identity card and explaining their reason for needing access.
“The exception to this is if staff are responding to an emergency, reading a meter or checking the accuracy of a meter. Even so, in these circumstances if a resident asks for identification, ActewAGL staff are required to identify themselves with their identity card.
“In addition, ActewAGL will never request face-to-face payment for a service or seek to conduct work inside a house.”
If a person is claiming to be an ActewAGL employee and cannot produce an identity card then residents are urged to call ACT Policing on 13 14 44 or ActewAGL on 13 10 93.