Yesterday while shopping at Westfield belco, I saw an amnesty display. I wandered over and looked at the brochures and display material. An earnest young woman began her spiel on human rights and amnesty and when she finished I said ‘great, can I make a donation?’ and pulled my wallet out.
She said ‘No, we don’t accept any money, instead we’ll sign you up as a human rights defender’.
I didn’t want to be signed up and go on a mailing list, so I asked I f I could just donate some money and be done with it. She was adamant that I really should join amnesty because I’d receive a bulletin three times a year etc. This is the ‘long tail’ approach to charity where your donation is ignored for constant monthly nibbles at you.
This offer I declined, and I told her why, saying that I’d donate but not go on her mailing list or be signed up. She had no capacity to even accept donations.
It saddens me that a worthwhile cause like amnesty rejects donations in favour of avaricious marketing tactics.