Chief Minister Gallagher is making sure we all know that elective surgery waiting times are improving in Canberra:
A new Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report shows record levels of elective surgery operations performed and significant improvements in elective surgery waiting times in the ACT during 2012-2013.
Released today, the Australian hospital statistics 2012-13, elective surgery waiting times, reports that 11,628 operations were completed in the ACT – up 2.3% on the previous year and higher than the Australian average of 1.8%.
“This result shows that the investment made in the 2012-13 budget of an additional $3 million per annum into the elective surgery program is paying dividends for patients, increasing the number of operations performed at both Canberra and Calvary Hospitals with a small number performed in the private sector,” Chief Minister and Minister for Health Katy Gallagher said today.
“Other improvements in the report include achieving a 31% improvement in the median waiting times for elective surgery over the past 5 years, decreasing from the peak of 74 days in 2008-09 to 51 days in this reporting year.
“This improvement sees the ACT virtually on par with NSW (50 days) and moving closer to the national average of 36 days.