The Canberra Times article says it costs so much to raise children here because of the relatively high cost of housing and child care. Yet Sydney is supposed to be cheap? I don’t get it.
An article in the Sydney Morning Herald (registration required – Cheaper-childrearing/2005/06/17/1118869098889.html ) says that as the household income increases, standard of living goes up – and that this includes the standard of living for the kids. According to the article, this means that families with higher income will also have higher child-raising costs.
I think I heard someone call in to ABC 666 AM this morning to say that maybe it’s expensive in Canberra because we’re more likely to enrol our kids in extra activities and expensive schools than families in other cities.
Haven’t been able to find an online copy of the press releases or research papers from UQ that started this whole story, but interested in finding out more (especially how they calculated costs).