Now, like the rest of y’all, I see reading news sites as an excuse to look intelligent while secretly wondering why the ratings of Big brother are slipping amongst a lack of other documentary exposes. Naturally this exposes me to all the whole gambit of Government stupidity (my employment not withstanding), not just in this wonderful land, but all over the globe.
However, after spending a number of years in Canberra, I have to admit that Duntroon is slightly more funnier and inept than Stalag 13, as is exlemplified in this article. somehow, a Kiwi national, has managed to knock off an army 4wd to use on his farm, god bless him. The kicker for me is that he has managed to repeatedly fill his car up at an army bowser, and borrow a trailer on weekends, as well as pulling being able to swap the cars plates to complete the tomfoolery. All this without the powers that be able to even realise that a vehicle has been stolen.
The morning I get awoken by paniced voices on Sky News, explaining that Australia’s counter-terrorism measures have been surprisingly usurped by a three fingered, worm hypnotising, yak milk drinking brigadoon from the boondocks of Bangalore, I will hold each bourbon swilling, camoflagued wearing monkey that I have ever encountered in Civic, Kingston and the footy field who had ever been at Duntroon solely to blame. If you cant seem able to count the cars in your car park, you sure as shit are not going to able to stop an individual who has spent the last few years of his life being pepped up on more hypocrisy(sp?) than you good folks wear green (or white) after Labour Day.
PS:quitting smoking apparently makes you cranky.