Our friends over at the National Gallery of Australia have sent the following in :
On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the National Gallery of Australia, Director Ron Radford AM today announced the Gallery’s ambitious new strategic vision for the next four years.
Speaking today at the National Press Club, Dr Radford outlined the Gallery’s achievements over the last three decades which have resulted in building the largest and most valuable collection of art for the Australian nation.
The National Gallery of Australia is still the world’s youngest national art gallery and yet in its short history, the institution has developed the national art collection to more than 165,000 works of art, now valued at more than $4.7 billion.
Dr Radford said that it was now time to look to the future of the Gallery and the ways in which access to this wonderful collection could be dramatically expanded in the future.
“The new strategic vision for the National Gallery of Australia is focussed on increasing access and engagement with the national art collection – at the Gallery, around Australia and the world – through increased display opportunities and new digital initiatives,” said Dr Radford.
In his address, Dr Radford outlined the Gallery’s vision to build Stage Two – The Centre for Australian Art which will follow the successful delivery of the Stage One Building Redevelopment which opened two years ago.
Dr Radford also confirmed the Gallery’s commitment to staging blockbuster, international exhibitions in Canberra to give Australians the opportunity to see the best international art without having to travel overseas.
The official 30th anniversary of the opening of the National Gallery of Australia is this Friday, 12 October 2012.
Media enquiries:
David Edghill
Head of Marketing and Communications, National Gallery of Australia
T (02) 6240 6643 M 0403 123 084 E david.edghill@nga.gov.au
Siobhan Ion
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
T (02) 6240 6431 M 0431 121 099 E siobhan.ion@nga.gov.au