Katy Gallagher is crowing about the latest Commonwealth Bank “State of the States” economic report:
Key results for the ACT:
— Economic activity- the second best performance nationally, with the level of output in the June quarter 2010 27.5 per cent higher than its decade average level
— Unemployment- the lowest in the nation at 3%, well below what has been regarded as “normal” for the territory average of 3.6 per cent
— Construction work- second strongest with construction work 64 per cent higher than decade averages
— Housing finance- In top position with the number of housing finance commitments in the ACT 12 per cent higher than the decade-average at a time when other states and territories are recording negative growth
–Dwelling commencements- best in the nation with dwelling starts at 72 per cent above the decade average
Katy is taking credit.