(this arrived to me in an email, but Rio
This Anzac Day Long Weekend the ARCBS in Canberra is asking for the support of the community to meet an increased demand.
Can you help meet the need for blood over this 3 day break?
We will be open on Sunday the 27th of April from 8am – 12pm and are currently seeking available A and O donors.
If you can help please call the ARCBS on 13 14 95 or locally on 02 6206 6006.
Alternatively you can email ( cabrownatarcbsdotredcrossdotorgdotau )with your name and preferred appointment time
Please do not ignore the need for blood.
Kind Regards,
Clair Brown
Marketing Team Leader – ACT
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
As a minor point worth noting, if you’re a drinker, donating a pint of blood will alter your usual BAC reading for a while afterwards, so you may find yourself becoming a cheap drunk for several days, or producing unexpected BACs if you’re driving anywhere..