ACT Policing shut down a party in Narrabundah last night (Monday, January 28) and took one into custody after more than 300 gate-crashers attended the location.
Around 10pm, police were called to a party in Boolimba Crescent, Narrabundah after receiving reports of a large fight taking place. Officers attended the location and saw around 150 people congregating in the area.
A man was taken into custody for intoxication and disorderly behaviour, and police spent several hours moving the crowd on and patrolling the area.
Officer-in-Charge of Woden Police Station Sergeant Steve Hogarth said that the party had appeared to be advertised via social media and the host had only planned for 50 guests.
“Attending officers estimate that more than 400 people attended the party, much more than the 50 invited guests. A large percentage of the 400 people were under the age of 18 and affected by alcohol.
“The party was shut down due to the large number of intoxicated people, and the lack of a responsible host,” Sergeant Hogarth said.
ACT Policing would urge that hosts of parties consider how they invite guests, and ensure that responsible service of alcohol is adhered to.
“Consider how the party will be advertised. Don’t use social media networking sites or text messages as you don’t know where the invite will end up. The host of a party is also responsible to ensure that if alcohol permitted and served, then it’s served responsibly and to adults.
“Don’t allow people to wander around or congregate out the front of your party location. Try to confine the party to a backyard, building or enclosed area as it is easier to control who comes and goes. Avoid using front yards or street frontages as this attracts uninvited guests.”
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