The You Are Here festival has announced they’re going to do it all again in 2012.
They’re keen to get your involvement this time around:
But enough about us – who are YOU? Let us know who you are and what you do, and what you WANT to do. Tell us what you think Canberra is missing and how you can fill those gaps. Are you in a Wizard Rock Band? A Competitive Welder? Do you crochet iconic scenes from classic Australian movies, or create live performances based on A Country Practice episodes for the elderly? Whatever you do, if you are doing it in Canberra then we want to hear from you! You Are Here is also seeking Canberra ex-pats interested in coming home and showing us all what they’ve been up to. We seek to advocate for excited, passionate members of Canberra’s many diverse communities, as well as people who have moved on to create work in other places.
What to do:
— Introduce yourself by dropping us a line at
— Keep us informed of what exhibitions, performances, projects you’re working on so we can come along and check them out
— Follow us on Twitter @YouAreHere_Fest or ‘like’ us on Facebook to keep a tabs on what we’re up toAs a curated festival, You Are Here does not program by application. There is no application form, and we can’t promise to respond to unsolicited proposals. So please don’t send us your detailed plan for an event or an exhibition – we’d rather you introduce yourself we can open up discussion. Please also be aware that You Are Here is produced by a small team and we all work multiple jobs. Forgive us if we take a while to respond to your inquiry, or if we can’t make it to your event. Please continue to invite us to see your work.
The You Are Here team can be reached at, or by the romance of post at PO Box 816, Civic Square ACT 2608
[Photo by Joe Brock]