As many of you are aware, there are speed cameras all over Canberra now. I personally don’t have an issue with them IF they are in the so called black spots. What I do have an issue with is the ones on Tuggeranong Park way. I have been driving along the road, going the speed limit when all of a sudden cars infront of me (who were also going the speed limit) decide to slam on their breaks and go 80 instead of the 100. This has happen to me several times in the past couple of week. In my opinion, this is going to cause a lot of accidents. People should know that they can still travel 100 and don’t need to go 80. Also I’d like to see the stats that they went by and show me how many accidents did actually happen at that spot in the past few years and I have a feeling that will jump due to idiot slamming on their breaks for no reason.
Federal candidate says seat of Canberra is ready for a new independent voice
Invisible, seriously? Alicia Payne is out in her electorate all the time, talking with her… View
The two new “Independents” elected last time supported Barr so not at all independent as far as… View
"Climate action = I want to increase your gas and electricity bills" = "I have no real understanding… View
AEC taking over from ATO in proposed $35.9 million fit-out of new office
Hopefully the relocation will motivate the staff to action claims, from both serving and retired ADF… View
In the PS, this is called "progress" and it will be featured very favourably in that agency's next… View
Does Canberra need its own 'big thing'?
We have Australia's, likely the world's biggest Hills hoist, which sits right in the parliamentary… View
A giant museum dedicated to dodgy politicians & senior public servants who have rorted the public… View
Melbourne has Big Rhinos on Rails ( We have Big White… View
New EV sales continued to climb to record heights in 2024
It's a con. Private transport is about 10% of Australia's emissions & its all offset by the new coal… View
It's certainly been beneficial to Elon Musk but he is now a doyen of the progressive left so that's… View