The locator graphic showing the site when it was on the market in February. Photo: Supplied
A developer wants to build almost five times the maximum number of dwellings allowed on a prime site in Coombs, raising eyebrows in the new Molonglo Valley suburb.
The block sold with a maximum dwelling limit of 44 but is now the subject of a development application for an eight-storey marker building with 212 apartments.
Block 3 Section 12 on the corner of John Gorton Drive and Terry Connolly Street is zoned RZ5, High-Density Residential and was sold by the Suburban Land Agency on 28 February to Zapari Property Coombs Pty Ltd for $3,350,000.
Zapari is now proposing a multi-unit development comprising one, two and three-bedroom apartments with basement car parking, site amenities and services connections as well as hard and soft landscaping, subject to a separate application to vary the lease to allow the increase in the number of dwellings.
It will tower over neighbouring townhouses. A public park is directly to the west on the corner of Terry Connolly Avenue and John Gorton Drive, and land opposite the block on John Gorton Drive is also zoned Urban Open Space. Adjoining blocks to the north and east are zoned High Density Residential.

The composite street elevation from the DA.
The DA says the site was sold with provision to construct a minimum of 49 and maximum of 97 dwellings, although the marketing information and the SLA sales result on its website says a maximum of 44.
It says the design and siting of the proposal is capable of complying with a future lease variation to permit additional unit development rights, and that the proposed development meets the 21.5-metre height rule and offers a range of dwelling types at various prices as required under the sales conditions.
This will be achieved without having any unreasonable adverse impacts on the neighbouring streets and public park to the west, including overshadowing and unreasonable loss of winter sunshine, the DA says.

An aerial photo of the site from the DA.
The proposal includes a communal open space area on a podium with basement parking underneath, as well as a rooftop terrace garden with large landscaped beds to create private spaces with a mix of mature palms.
The DA says the building will be of high architectural standard, energy efficient with sustainable water use.
According to the traffic report, the proposal provides for 360 car parking spaces, with residents’ basement storage cages available for bicycle parking.
To view the DA go here.