It started out ordinarily enough, a disgruntled artist suffering relevance deprivation. But, as you can see below it quickly descended into quite the tantrum and no doubt a lot of correspondence.
So, for everyone having to listen to these rantings, below is some context on the mind behind them. Published in full as received here.
Congratulations Warwick Lynch, you got your comment published in the end.
Truly I am a quaking from those boots.
From: W
Subject: Moderation?
Message Body:
Why do you keep moderating this msg?
You asked for discussion, then you moderate my post?
Watching the ‘You are Here’ festival take shape has been a little disappointing, I really feel like I’m watching a great opportunity for Canberra turn Into a great opportunity for a very small percentage of people centred around a few of the organizers of the festival.
Almost the entire ‘You are Here’ project is centered around the age group 15-30. Entire creative groups that have existed in Canberra for decades have been left out, not even contacted! Yet interstate groups have been! Its a bizarre state of affairs for a festival that claims to be promoting Canberra’s underground arts culture.
I might be reading all of this the wrong way, from what I understand Blind was asked to create this festival last November, hardly enough time to organise this type of event, perhaps Blind did what any producer in his situation would do & rely heavily on friends?
I find it strange that so many people have been left out. I’ve been involved in fighting for this type of event in Canberra for 10 or so years now, even used to put on ‘Improvised’ ‘New Music’ events in the old Civic Youth Centre (griffen centre) 12 years ago! I was interviewed for a Feasibility study into the viability of a “New Media Arts event’ in Canberra sponsored by ArtsACT in 2004-2005, a study that may be really helpfull for proving the viabilty of the ‘You are Here’ festival, has this document been discovered or utilized?
I’ve written to both Caroline Lecouteur (Greens) & Centenary of Canberra to provide the point of view above.
If others see the need to also put forward this point of view please use the emails above to lodge your disapproval.
“This is a festival for the city, not for a bunch of artists to sit around and stroke each other’s egos.”
Well, if its a festival for the city, why do I & a large contingent of Canberra artists feel completely left out?
This mail is sent via contact form on The RiotACT
John Griffiths to W,
9:50 AM
We’re just not that interested in having a fight by disgruntled artists when the issue for us is how the public relates to it.
After the event would be a better time for exploring these issues rather than undermining it before it starts.
As you’ve already been letter writing we’re hardly denying you an avenue of expression.
I look forward to your feedback in the washup.
Warwick Lynch to john
9:59 AM
I was trying to show that this issue has been in peoples minds for decades, it has a big history here in Canberra & artists are a part of the public aren’t they?
David’s questions about where the interest has come from for this event seems a little naive considering there has been years of reported activity in this arena.
If the discussion waits until after the event the opportunity will be lost! All these disgruntled artist will be offside & running in competition with You Are Here, if these issues were explored adequately before the event (and they have been in several Arts ACT papers) there wouldn’t be a need for discussion.
I ask you to reconsider moderating my original post. I don’t see how this discussion would detract from the discussion/promotion of the event.
Warwick Lynch to john
10:01 AM
forgot to attach this….
John Griffiths to Warwick
10:02 AM
Hi Warwick
It’s kicking off tomorrow,
It’s a bit too late to be trying to change the program.
So we’re going to give it a chance.
If you’re right you can enjoy the wisdom of hindsight.
Warwick Lynch to john
10:11 AM
Hey John,
I’m not trying to change the program, I’m trying to illicit discussion, now I can see that the discussion on RIOT-ACT is nothing but a one-sided discussion thanks to moderation I will be moving this fight elsewhere.
Its pretty ridiculous that you feel so insecure about this event that you think it can’t stand up to a little critical discussion.
And you know who this is, I didn’t give my name at all but you know its me, so I can’t help but think you are excluding me thanks to your affiliation with David Finnigan.
John Griffiths to Warwick
10:16 AM
Your name comes up on your email Warwick.
But sure, be as paranoid as you like, that’ll really change my mind.
I look forward to your contributions in future.
Warwick Lynch to john
10:28 AM
I won’t be contributing in the future because seriously whats the point, censorship/moderation only helps the people or persons doing the moderation, its a fairly well accepted social fact. And if you think you are helping the Canberra community with this moderation I’m really not sure what I can say to you.
I’m not sure how you read paranoia into this? I contributed a fair comment on an issue that effects me as a resident of Canberra & you moderated it? It wasn’t overly negative, I was only giving response to David or Blinds questions about why now?
I can only imagine that I’ve been moderated because you are promoting the YOU ARE HERE festival via RiotACT rather than trying to illicit public discussion.
Considering that RiotACT exhibits itself as an open place to discuss Canberra issues I really can’t see the problem with posting what I wrote.
Warwick Lynch to john
10:59 AM
So where does my post fit into in your terms & conditions?
Your terms & conditions have been followed to the letter, I really don ‘t see how you can censorship the comment I made?
1.3 You may be held legally responsible for the content you submit to The content you submit (either comments or posts) will not be verified by RiotACT and does not necessarily represent the views of the RiotACT team.
1.4 will determine, at its discretion, whether to edit, publish (or remove from a site) any of your content. In particular, material if consider to be :
1.4.1 defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or that it violates laws regarding harassment, discrimination, privacy or contempt;
1.4.2 intentionally false or misleading;
1.4.3 an infringement of intellectual property rights or copyright. See below for further information on copyright;
1.4.4 abusive or offensive, including obscenity, blasphemy and racial vilification;
1.4.5 of nuisance value, inappropriate, off topic or vexatious. For example the The-RiotACT reserves the right to reject contributions that have been widely canvassed in the forum. It also reserves the right to reject contributions from participants who seek to dominate the discussion;
1.4.6 compromising the privacy of yourself, other contributors or of The-RiotACT staff, or containing inappropriate personal information;
1.4.7 seeking to endorse commercial products or activities or to solicit business;
1.4.8 deliberate provocation of other community members;
1.4.9 a posting on behalf of a suspended member. This may lead to you also having your membership locked.
John Griffiths to Warwick
11:05 AM
Sorry Warwick, I though you’d said you were done?
Anyway, here’s a guide on how to get comments approved:
Good luck.
Warwick Lynch to john
11:22 AM
Well John, as it seems I have followed your ‘guidelines’ & ‘terms & conditions’ & you have yet to convince me otherwise ,you leave me no choice but to lodge this whole issue as a complaint with the relevant regulatory body.
I’ll also be contacting the NGA & the legislative assembly to raise issues about just what RIOTAct does for Canberra.
Really good way to illicit discussion by censoring any comments against your agenda….
If this were China I would expect this, thankfully this is a ‘free’ country so look forward to a fight.
John Griffiths to Warwick
11:24 AM
Dear Warwick,
We look forward to the raging success of your own website.
Kindest Regards,
Warwick Lynch to john
11:35 AM
nah John, I don’t fight my battles in a place that doesn’t really exist!
I prefer to fight battles in ‘real life’ were things have actual consequences. And you my friend have consequences coming your way, you won’t be able to hide behind your little website when you can hear the boots coming.
People like you have f***ed the Canberra scene by creating little cliqes & circles of sympathetic people & excluding everyone else, Canberra is a small place with small resources, nothing can be gained from creating another cliqy group, I mean seriously how many people in Canberra don’t drink at the Phoenix & indulge in the ‘hipster’ lifestyle? its these people (The Majority) that is being left out.
I personally can’t wait for the You Are Here festival, it will be a time for action, protest & fun, at the festivals expense, good luck running from those boots John, you will need it……….
Warwick Lynch to john
1:20 PM
Rather than be disgruntled, I wanted to thank you.
Your reluctance to promote any kind of critical discussion on RIOT act has encouraged me to contact stakeholders from around the ACT to
get involved & create critical discussion towards an inclusive festival.
It turns out NGA, School of Music, ANCA ,ANU Art School ,CMAG & a whole lot of other stakeholders didn’t even know a festival was on , much less a festival that they had a stake in! None of these institution’s seemed very pleased at being left out.
So thanks, to your censorship a critical discussion seems destined to happen, a critical discussion that might actually see the emergence of a festival that actually is interested in promoting Canberra.