Allied Forces (ACT Parks people) were today seen mounting a counter attack to rid fair Ainslie of the Magpie menace that has terrorised local residents for the last four weeks.
“He’s mad!” said one frightened resident, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution.
“The last month has been terrible. I can’t put on me lotto or have a cold one at Edgars because ol’ Yamamoto dives bombs me everytime I leave the house,” said another victim of this indiscriminate winged terror.
Parks officers confirmed there had been a recent flurry of phone calls to the Magpie Hotline.
“You one of them that called the hotline?” ranger lady enquired when this eye-witness slowed the car to take a gander at the crime scene.
“No, but he went me the other day. I think he wanted to take me eye out!” I confirmed.
“We’ll try our best Ma’am,” stated the second officer.
I am sure I speak for all peace loving citizens of Ainslie when I wish them good luck and good hunting (for the tree huggers, they were actually trying to capture it in a cage – not sure how that will go. Do they maybe have a minature cyclist in there?).