Member for Brindabella Andrew Wall has sent out a press release stating entitled “WALL FIGHTS FOR CALWELL MASTER PLAN“.
In doing so Wall has managed to stretch the definition of the word ‘fight’ so far that now it resembles a Skywhale boob.
Apparently to Andrew Wall, “fighting for Calwell” means “going to ask the Government if they have any plans for Calwell tomorrow”.
Member for Brindabella Andrew Wall will move a motion in the ACT Legislative Assembly tomorrow, calling on the ACT Government to develop a master plan for the Calwell precinct.
Mr Wall said a master plan would provide clear vision for the future use of land around the Calwell group centre and adjoining Tuggeranong Homestead site.
“The ACT Labor Government has made it clear that Calwell is not a priority when it comes to strategic planning oversight, the Chief Minister herself has confirmed that Calwell is ‘not a planning priority for the government,’” Mr Wall said today.
“The Tuggeranong Homestead site is of significant cultural, heritage and environmental value to the entire Tuggeranong region.
“There are a number of opportunities for the Calwell precinct including the historic Tuggeranong Homestead, to reach its full potential and a master plan will help guide this process.
“A master plan will also provide an opportunity for the community to have their say on what they want to see happen into the future,” Mr Wall said.
I do love how every press release I get from Wall is about him ‘calling for the government’ to do something about some issue or another. One time I’d like to get a press release saying he has done something.
Andrew Wall, more like Andrew Call.
Andrew Call-well.